Turn Aside

Posted on the 12 September 2020 by Idioms


  • refuse entry to somewhere
  • cause someone or something to deviate in the direction
  • direct, avert or deflect someone or something on another course
  • veer or move away
  • avoid someone or something
  • change position

Example Sentences

  1. His job application was turned aside when they saw his criminal record.
  2. The most crucial questions were turned aside by the current CEO.
  3. The prosecutor produced new evidence in the case, but the judge turned it aside.
  4. I saw my ex-boyfriend yesterday, but before I could say anything, he just nodded then turned aside and walked around the corner.
  5. Susan and her friends tried to get into the new night club on the High Street last week, but they were turned aside at the door.
  6. She turned her career aside for a few years to have her family, but now she's ready to get back to work.
  7. We noted her inability to say no. It just isn't in her nature to turn aside a chance to be useful.
  8. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.
  9. Moses turned aside and God spoke out of the burning bush.
  10. Innocence and intelligence deserve to turn aside our condemnation.


This phrase means to turn your body (or head) in a different direction or away from something/someone, so you are not facing them anymore. Used especially in situations where you are changing direction to avoid someone or something. A noun or pronoun (or both) can be placed between 'turn' and 'aside'.