Turkey Blames PKK and DHKP-C For Worst Terror Attack in Turkey’s History

Posted on the 11 October 2015 by Calvinthedog

And the stupid MSM just reprints that like it is a perfectly normal theory. Technically, the horrible Turkish state did say that the PKK, DHKP-C and ISIS were all suspects. In a previous post I discussed how retarded it was to blame the PKK for killing their own supporters.

But blaming the DHKP-C for the attack is about as bad. The DHKP-C is a far Left group in Turkey that is usually armed and has been so for a long time. They have been waging a revolutionary war against the state for decades now. The Turkish state absolutely hates them. When Turkey said, “We are declaring war on ISIS!” the first thing they did was attack the Kurds all over southeast Turkey. At the same time, there were many raids in Ankara. Observers said the raids were often accompanied by gunfire. It was suggested that they were raiding DHKP-C safehouses.

As a Leftist organization, there is no way on Earth that the DHKP-C would ever attack the supporters of the Kurdish HDP party. The DHKP-C strongly supports the HDP, the PKK and the Kurdish struggle in general. I can’t believe the Western media is this retarded, or maybe it is just more propaganda, like most everything you read in the Western media.

PS I will bet you good money that CIApedia, the Deep State-controlled online encyclopedia, is suggesting the Kurds or Leftists did it line. Every time you go to read anything about geopolitics on CIApedia, it’s just the voice of the CIA. Or the Deep State, same thing.