Tullamore DEW Cider Cask Review

By Josh Peters @TheWhiskeyJug

Tullamore DEW Cider Cask Review

Tullamore DEW Cider Cask is Tullamore’s travel retail offering which, thanks to a friend, I was able to try and I have to say… it’s quite good. It’s not going to blow your mind, but compared to the regular Tullamore it has a bit more to offer… as it should.

In Tullamore’s Words: Tullamore DEW Cider Cask

“Once a year, this finely balanced, sophisticated spirit is created in the heart of Ireland. It is a marriage between the craft of small-batch cider-making and our legendary whiskey, creating a layered complexity of nose and taste that is richly rewarding. This one of a kind special edition can only be found at airport stores.”

The part they left out was that the finish in the cider casks lasted for 3 months. It’s not a long finish, but it was enough to leave behind a noticeably larger punch of apple. Outside of that it’s the same old Tullamore, but that nice fruity pop gives the whiskey a needed kick. Now on to the Tullamore DEW Cider Cask review!

Tullamore DEW Cider Cask Info

Region: Ireland

Distiller: Tullamore
Cask: ex-Bourbon & ex-Cider
Age: NAS
ABV: 40%

Price: $55

Tullamore DEW Cider Cask Review


Apple Sauce, pears, toffee, candied nuts, spice, honey, malt and light bits of graham and bubblegum.

Apple sauce, malt, pears, toffee, spice, honey, candied nuts, malt and light bits of graham and butterscotch.

Medium drop of graham, butterscotch, nuts and spice.

Good sense of balance, medium body and a soft almost oily feel.

Tullamore DEW Cider Cask is a tasty whiskey. It’s fun and fruity with some darker earthy notes that spring up along the way making it more dynamic than the original. It’s a perfectly sippable whiskey with something unique and interesting about it that makes it right at home in any Irish whiskey lover’s home bar.

While I do think $55 is a bit much for the Tullamore DEW Cider Cask it’s something I’d consider picking up if it were an available option. I’d love to see how the apple aspect evolves over time as the bottle slowly works towards empty.

SCORE: 86/100 (B)