Tulips, My Favorite Flowers

By Dusana Bozenkova
Aww tulips!
Many people like roses, but for me, tulips are my favorite flowers.
I love the way they look, the way they smell and they way they feel. Tulips are beautiful, delicate, colorful and the tulip's petals are so soft and smooth.
The tulip is a beautiful creation. I like to have them in the house, they bright up our living room and bring the comfort and happiness.

Tulips remind me of this nice feeling when Spring is arriving. When I was little, my grandparents used to have a full garden of them. 
The grand entrance to the garden was my favorite place. It was surrounded with flowers, but mostly tulips (all kinds of colors). 
My grandmother used to take me to the garden holding my hand and said: You can touch them and say good morning to them sweetheart, but be careful, because they are very delicate. 
I remember looking at them thinking, how beautiful and colorful they are.
Fresh tulips always make me happy. Sipping a coffee, reading a magazine and having my tulips in the house puts me in a good mood.
Have a great and sunny weekend everyone!

One thing I would like to do? I would love to visit Tulip gardens in Holland one day.