Tuesday Tip: Make Beautiful Dumplings

By Janehspark

My mother always said that I had to make beautiful dumplings if I wanted beautiful children.  (What she ACTUALLY said was more threatening: “If you make ugly mandoo (Korean dumplings), you’ll have  ugly children).

I once read somewhere that the overwhelming majority of men believe that what they wear/say/do in front of the TV impacts the performance of the sports event they are watching.  So why wouldn’t my dumpling folding skills impact the pulchritude of my offspring?

Which leads me to the question, what else can we be doing to boost each other’s beauty?  Can my parallel parking reduce your hair frizz (in which case I’m sorry!).  Can your gardening impact my eyelash length (in which case, get to it!).

But doing something in the improbable hope that it will benefit someone else is one of the best definitions of beauty, isn’t it?

And in the end, you can always eat the dumplings (as we are tongiht).  Yum.