Tuesday Shoesday – Tippy-tappy-toes

By Cassiefairy @Cassiefairy

If you haven’t already seen this trend, it’s literally everywhere this month – just flick through any of the gossip weeklies & fashion mags, or nip into any high street shop and you’ll spot it straight away. I’m talking about toe caps – and not just the blind-you-as-you-walk-by silver ones - toe caps in all colourways are the footwear flavor of the season.

Tons of celebrities including Blake Lively, Khloe Kardashian and Emma Roberts have been spotted wearing their contrasting toe-caps on the red carpet and the trend has hit the high street in a big way – all the stores are peddling their own versions of these glamorous-yet-tough-girl shoes. Here’s some of my favourites – but don’t take my word for it – go for a quick shop this week and you’ll find a pair to go with any outfit. Let me know how you get on!