Tuesday Shoesday: The Smoking Slipper

By Raymondleejewelers @raymondleejwlrs

With only two days until Thanksgiving, Raymond Lee Jewelers is feeling especially grateful. For our business, our wonderful customers, and the opportunity to spend Thursday with our nearest and dearest.

We’re also grateful for flowing blouses, leggings with more than a dash of spandex, ponchos, maxi-dresses, and other tried-and-true tricks of fashionable ladies who never turn down another serving of Mom’s gravy. With careful consideration given to the Turkey Day apparel, we’re celebrating Tuesday Shoesday with the ultimate in comfortable, trendy style – the modern smoking slipper.

Add a pair of these to your Thanksgiving attire (see our favorites here, here and here) for a fun, sassy update on comfort-food approved clothing. Put the finishing touches on your ensemble with classic accessories that Grandmother won’t bat an eyelash at – even if you are wearing kitten slippers on your feet. Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday Shoesday: The Smoking Slipper by raymondleejewelers featuring flat heel shoesLiz for Raymond Lee Jewelers, your source for diamond jewelry, luxury estate jewelry, and designer jewelry.