Tuesday Shoesday ~ Snuggly Slippers

By Cassiefairy @Cassiefairy

For the first time this year my house has been cold. I didn’t put the storage heating on the night before, so when I stepped out of bed in the morning, my feet were confronted with a chilly floor. I could barely make it across the room to get a pair of socks from the chest of drawers without getting frostbite! For the first time in a long time I put on my big fluffy dressing gown and my thoughts turned to how nice it would be to pop my feet into a pair of cosy slippers right now. Snuggly sheepskin would certainly make my journey to the kitchen to make my morning cup of a tea much more achievable, so that very same day I started searching online to find the idea pair of slippers for winter.

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There’s something about slippers that make me feel festive. Maybe it’s because I only tend to receive (and give!) slippers as Christmas gifts or the fact that they go great with a pair of thick, fluffy, festive socks. Or perhaps it’s because I’m happy to walk around barefoot all year until that one morning when my toes touch the chilly tiled floor and I start thinking about them as an absolute necessity. Whatever the reason, it’s making me feel suitably Christmassy to be searching for a new pair of slippers and I’m getting cosy just thinking about it! I know that I’ve owned slippers in the past, but I have no idea where my slippers from previous years have gone. I’m guessing that last year’s slippers were actually from the previous year, and after two seasons of washing and wearing they had probably seen better days and been recycled earlier this year during the big spring clean. For whatever reason I can’t find my old slippers so I’ll be choosing a new pair from this shortlist below. I especially like the idea of sheepskin lining – don’t they look so warm and snuggly?! I also like the idea of a pair of slippers that cover my whole foot rather than a slip-on pair. I think I will be warmer and more cosy (not to mention more agile!) in a pair that cover my whole foot. Some of these are even arch supporting slippers so they might end up being more comfortable than my normal shoes and yes, I’ll probably be wearing them all day long! I particularly like the moccasin style slippers because I think they look rather on-trend for Autumn/Winter 2014 and no one would guess that you were wearing slippers, so visitors will be none the wiser about my comfortable foot situation- they’ll just think I am channelling a ‘mummy-chic’ look. 

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Going one step further, I’m considering fluffy ankle-boot-esque slippers so that I can tuck my PJs into them for super-snuggliness and absolutely no draughts! Let me know if you’ll be doing the same this winter so that I know I’m not alone in wanting to snuggle up under a blanket while wearing my fluffy slippers – leave me a comment below or tweet me a photo of your snuggly slippers!