Settled into such a routine it almost feels like I am living here.
Alas, gotta be back home in less than a week… sure gonna miss all this.
I can't put a finger on what makes coffee here so incredibly good but nothing I'd ever had before can hold a candle to it.
I am so going to miss my rooftop balcony.
Hands down the best part of the room. Having a separate living room attached comes up a close second though, and I also love the fact that the water is very very hot (high altitude + moody weather + a really hot bath go so well together).
Knowing that I am coming back in a few months makes leaving a bit easier.
I finally got a chance to buy Lucky some local coffee. I know he'll love it.
And that was my day in a nutshell... will be home in a few more days.
Until next time.