Tuesday Hills

By Khourianya @khourianya
I was supposed to run with Tina today, but she ended up unable to run so I headed out for my lunchtime run solo.
It gave me a good chance to test drive my new tights from Run Girl Run

First thoughts: Nice fabric.  There is fleece lining on the front of the thighs for extra Canadian Winter Warmth.  The website said the inseam was 31 inches.  At first, they appeared to stretch to accommodate my 35 inch inseam perfectly, though I found that they shortened a bit as I ran.

a bit too much sock showing...

I may attempt to sew some sort of gripper inside the hem to hold them in place.  They are mid-rise so cover most of my jiggly bits.  I did find the waistband dipped down a bit in the back on me but not too bad.  You can see it in the photo.  They also stayed in place fairly well.  The reflective treatment is pretty and there is a small reflective logo on the back as well.  There is also a small zippered pocket in the back of the waist.  I think I'll get a fair bit of use out of these next winter (or now - if winter decides to actually never end).  
So - back to the run - I headed out and ran the same 3 hills as last time - twice each hill.
That third hill was a killer...here's me wheezing after I bolted tot he top of it

and then I headed back to the office.  Run done.  and pretty fast for 6 hill repeats.

Tina said she was going to try to come for a little chat after and I met up with her as I got into the parking lot.  So I fired up Nike again and we had a little cool down walk together.  Call it a sneaky way to get to 5k.