Tsarina Yekaterina the Great's Palace

By Eteclea @eteclea2

Tsarina Yekaterina the Great's Palace

  From the title you can already tell what first set of photos I will share… my favorite palace. Why so? not because of it’s obvious magnificent one of a kind structure BUT because the Tsarina (Queen/Empress) who was named after this place is one of my favorite historical figures, she was indeed a Great ruler hence the name “Catherine (Yekaterina) the Great”. For me, she was the epitome of beauty and brains.

Tsarina Yekaterina the Great's Palace

Amazing isn’t it?! :)

Tsarina Yekaterina the Great's Palace

Excited am I? ;) you bet your uhmmm I was!

A panorama view of the front of the palace.

Striking a quick pose before our excursion started.

A perfect day!

This tourist just couldn’t stop smiling haha! ;) 

Now let’s talk about my outfit. My dress is from Papaya bought 4 years ago in Saint Louis, originally a maxi dress but revamped by yours truly to a fish tail dress.

Bag was thrifted for $2 from Sunshine Thrift store.

Shoes from DAS, such a comfy heelless pair!

Speaking of me as a tourist, I think for a second there I became one of those art exhibit because while I was posing to my now fiance’ (my photographer) a hoard of European tourists also tried to take a photo of me and my unusual outfit. Pretty funny and cute I must say hehe ;)

Photo above: I, imagining this was my palace (lol!) I mean who would not fantasize being a nobility in this luxurious atmosphere?! haha! dreaming is free people, and so shall I continue to do so! hehe :)

3D Mural in the Grand Ballroom, Breathtaking!

As you can see in the photo above, I was wearing these silly shoe covers (along with the other tourists) to prevent the delicate floors from getting scratches, dirt, or damages. The floors are not painted, but made up of different shades of woods intricately put together piece by piece to create the floor designs that’s why they’re very strict in preserving it.

Amazing designs and details from the ceilings to the floors.

The never ending-like hallways behind me :)

Another building in the back of the palace where me and my boo’s family took a break from the excursion.

When I saw this horse carriage approaching, my first thought was like “wow, they have this here? How awesome!” unbeknownst to myself, it was meant specially for me. My boo and his family told me that it was a treat for us and that me and my boo have to go first, so I happily hopped in not knowing there was an even bigger surprise waiting for me at the end of the ride. 

Photo above: The boo and I enjoyed the scenery like royalties, hehe!

Enjoying the ride, with my heelless shoes :) hehe

So romantic!

One of Catherine the great’s favorite sanctuary.

Happy me :)

My Prince charming, my college sweetheart, and my bestfriend ;)

I could only imagine what it’s like when the royalties walked around (probably rode the carriage) here in the old days. 

While reaching the end of the ride…This happened (photo below) it was the BEST surprise I could ever imagine, I definitely said YES! He could not have planned this day any better…I am grateful and honored.


I hope you guys enjoyed viewing this special post as much I enjoyed writing it.  I’ll be uploading more posts from my trip soon. 

