“Trying to Get Murdered”

Posted on the 10 August 2015 by Calvinthedog

Jason Y writes:

A fight with a female would be a joke, but they use psychological terror to drive you bat shit until the man kills someone, or abuses the woman. We see men hitting women and abusing them all the time. Every wondered why?

Yes females consistently engage in a behavior I call “trying to get murdered.”

In Man World, there are some things you simply never say about a man. All men have very sensitive issues and Achilles Heels that if you bring them up, they will go completely insane and often try to attack you.

In Man World, you know never to bring up a man’s Achilles Heels unless you want him to try to assault or kill you. That’s why I generally don’t do that. I figure that if I attack a man’s masculinity or pound his Achilles Heels, I am “trying to get murdered.” Also in my system of morality, that man has an absolute right to defend his pride if I attack him like that. He has a right to try to assault even kill me. It’s justified because in my system, force or lethal force is justified to defend male pride.

I would never do this to any man unless I had declared war on him. I do declare war on men sometimes, and they all deserve it. I have forced men to move from their homes because I terrorized them so much. But when I declare war on a man, I figure he now has a right to try to hurt me or kill me because those are the rules of war. If you go to war, it’s normal that the other side is trying to kill you.

In fact, there are some things you just cannot say to me or about me. There is one particular incident where I was warring with some guys and they hurt me very badly. You are not allowed to take their side in that war, and if you do, I will jump up and get in your face and threaten to kill you right there on the spot. I have threatened to kill people a number of times for violating this rule. One of the rules of being my friend is you have to take my side in that war (which was quite some time ago). If you take their side, you are my enemy, and you can no longer be my friend. That’s probably the only the thing you can say to me where I will actually threaten to kill you.

I actually think maybe we should bring back duels. That’s how much I believe in an honor system.

Most men do not shoot nuclear weapons at other men’s Achilles Heels because they know what the consequences are. I generally do not do this either because it is unseemly and unbecoming of an honorable man, and I am an honorable man. Also I think shooting nuclear weapons at other people’s Achilles heels is not manly warfare because it’s fighting dirty. I hate men who fight dirty. I think they are not even men. A man who fights dirty is nothing but a bitch, a little bitch. I can’t put into words how much contempt I feel for a man who fights dirty like a bitch. If you want to fight, fight, but fight like a man!

The thing is that women do this all the time. I have been in relationships with women where I divulged all of my Achilles Heels and most sensitive issues.

Anyway what I have noticed about women is that they are rather evil. Typically in a relationship with a woman, you notice that every time she figures out that some issue is extremely sensitive with you, she perks up her wicked little ears and her devious eyes twinkle. They pick up on that stuff very easily, and they store it in this war chest in their brain to be used in fights with you. After you have been in a relationship with a woman for some time, she will have gathered quite a few of these evil little weapons to use against you. She’s collecting your Achilles Heels. Women do this all the time. They don’t do all do it, but way too many of them do. And it’s a major reason why we kill them.

Anyway, when you have huge fights, depending on how evil of a bitch she is, she will start whipping out your Achilles Heels and attacking them. She will not just attack your Achilles Heels, but she will actually shoot nuclear weapons at them. Women don’t fight fair. They use nukes, biological warfare, chemical warfare, you name it. If there is a banned weapon out there, women will use it.

Men think that fights and wars should have rules. Women think that the idea of rules in fights and wars is ridiculous. That’s why women often fight dirty. The fact that women fight dirty as Hell on a regular basis is one of the major reasons why men say women are “evil.” In the world of men, fighting dirty is evil. A decent man abides by basic rules of war. Men who fight dirty are the scum of the Earth and deserve nothing but contempt.

Anyway, when a woman is deliberately targeting my Achilles Heels, my most sensitive areas, and she is actually firing nuclear weapons at them, I call that “trying to get murdered” because in Man World, that is exactly what it is.

Women do this all the time. They are always “trying to get murdered.” And honestly, that’s probably one of the reasons why men kill women. These women are basically asking to get killed. When you push someone to their limits or past their limits, that’s called “trying to get murdered.” And if you try to get murdered regularly, you should not be surprised if another human, usually a male human, takes you up on your offer and tries to kill you. A lot of people who get killed are flat out asking for it. I have almost no sympathy for them and honestly I feel like they got what they deserved. They got what they asked for.