Try to Be You a Sunshine

Posted on the 09 June 2014 by Luciano Pacini
In the stage of life, everyone plays a role. So you born and die on a stage but the worse thing is without realizing that you are on a stage.Is like in a movie, where you can see an imaginary reality as the set for a big show where all recite; except one, only if we identify with this innocent character you will understand this stage that the distortion of people has built in many years.Inside this stage there are many speeches since every living being has carried on thinking what they felt and all these speeches are attempts to come to understand the source of all things, then people are like lonely drops that must find a way to rejoin the ocean of "Universal Love" where it all started to exist.
But you are still in transition, where every drop feels a drop, and does not feel to be the ocean, maybe they believe that the drops have been created by chance. The biggest thing you can do is to meet another drop, and try to be only one. Because no one usually lives "Universal Love", so you are lucky if you can feel the love for a person, imagine  if you fall in love with all humanity! So it happens that our lives are market only by the continuous exploit of each other for mutual gratification of emotions. We take care of what we use. We have constructed Nations that we defend, because we feel patriots, citizens, proud to be Italians, Russians, Americans , etc., we defend private property, as we defend what we buy for our personal enjoyment, we defend anything that allows us not be alone. So we defend our wives, our children, our family, our friends, our society, our money, because if not we would be alone. We need to belong to someone , because without an identity we feel isolated, lost, so we take every opportunity to keep us closer to anyone who can gratify us. That's because it's so hard to have a friend or meet the woman or man of our life, because everyone is so disappointed by the cheating that has taken in the past, that you will think a lot of times before you will give yourself completely to someone. The result is that everyone is afraid to love, because love can hurts , love can become a nightmare if you stay with the wrong person. The love in life is so hard to understand because you want to look in the other the resolution of your problems. Is not right, before you must become the sun of yourself, if not you will only want the light from the others.I know it is not easy to become like a shining sun, because you are structured in a certain way, it is very difficult but you can not continue to live on subsistence, looking in the other what is lacking in yourself, because this will never be love. Before you must start to know yourself, you have to feel in harmony with all the nature and creation around you. Do not be afraid to join other people, we all come from the same energy; also dont be afraid of some moments of loneliness, sometimes is necessary to make you think and make you start again better than before. Of course the person that cares for you, can helps you, but remember that the most important decision for your life you will take alone, really. Only after, you will find the real love.You do not have to live with reflected light. Try to be you a sunshine!