
By Clarkkent07 @lpatterson1017

Lois & Clark:

how deep can trust take you? Dear Joe, we love you unconditionally thank you for this!

Originally posted on Iamforchange's Blog:

I have been learning to trust myself, not my ego self my inner self and in doing so learning to let go and in turn learning to trust my creator. Sounds kind of odd to say that in a way, my lack of trust in myself was a dis respect to my creator and to the beautiful human being I was created to be.

I have been observing as I learn and travel my journey how much of what I have been doing I have been doing on auto pilot so to speak or what is expected by society or family and friends. Do I really choose what I want or do I just conform? There are things I have brought upon myself by doubting and not trusting me and in turn not trusting my creator in doing so.

I am learning as I have been getting to know who…

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