Trump/Musk Have Two Immigrant Agendas And Both Are Wrong

Posted on the 30 December 2024 by Jobsanger

Trump spent the campaign talking about mass deportations of undocumented immigrants. He claimed they are criminals who take the jobs Americans could have. Both claims are nonsense. 

Undocumented immigrants commit crimes at a much lower rate than American citizens do. They are mainly refugees who come for their safety and desperate people who just want to provide for their families. And they eagerly take the low-paying, dangerous, and dirty jobs that citizens shun. In doing those jobs, they provide a service to this country.

And they boost the economy - both by spending much of the money they make to buy products from U.S. businesses and by paying over $7 billion in taxes (while getting no benefits from the government).

But that is only part of the Trump/Musk immigrant agenda. They want to increase the number of immigrants entering on H-1B visas. Those visas are used by U.S. corporations to import skilled workers. They claim they need those workers. They don't!

They import those foreign workers because of greed! They can pay them less because the workers want to come to this country and the visa will allow them to enter. If the worker then tries to join a union or ask for better pay or working conditions, the corporation can just cancel their contract and have them deported.

These are the jobs that American workers would love to have, but corporations would have to pay them the prevailing wage and allow them to unionize if they wanted. And there is NOT a shortage of Americans skilled enough for these jobs.

They are deporting the workers we need and importing the workers we don't need!