Trumpist Fascism Can Be Defeated By Creating A Fair And Inclusive Economy

Posted on the 19 October 2024 by Jobsanger

How can we keep a Trump-style fascism from rearing its ugly head in the future? Robert Reich has an answer. He believes we must create a fair and inclusive economy - an economy that gives all citizens an opportunity to thrive. Here is part of what he writes:

I also want to point up a central dilemma awaiting the nation if and when Harris wins: Trump loyalists will remain a major force in American politics. . . .

Almost exactly 30 years ago, I predicted that widening inequalities of income and wealth would create an American oligarchy powerful enough to rig the economic game against average working people. This would make average working people so angry at the unfairness and arbitrariness of the system that they’d be easy prey for demagogues who’d channel their anger into fury at immigrants, Black people, government officials, gay people, and others.

Sadly, I believe I was correct.

Obviously, an explanation for some phenomenon is not a justification for it. Understanding the roots of Trumpism doesn’t mean accepting Trumpism.

But when Harris wins, we will have to begin the hard work of creating an economy of shared prosperity in which it’s possible to succeed without a college degree and in which large swathes of America that have been virtually abandoned by industry gain new sources of growth and jobs.

Right now, it’s easy to sympathize with Hillary Clinton’s description of Trump voters as “deplorables,” but they are our fellow citizens and will continue to be our fellow citizens. Unless we change the circumstances that have made them fodder for Trumpism, we can expect trouble for many years to come.

Some of you may be saying to yourself: Let’s get Harris elected before we dwell on next steps.

The reason I bring this up now is in the hope we don’t become so infuriated with those who support Trump that, when Harris wins, we forget the bitter wellsprings that Trump exploited to get as far as he did. Because if nothing is done to change the system that got us here, future demagogues like Vance will almost surely exploit the same bitterness for their own selfish ends.

The strongest defense we have against a future of Trumpist fascism is a large and growing middle class comprised of people who, although they may have supported Trump, come to feel they have a stake in America.