Trump Would NOT Be Better Than Biden For The Economy!

Posted on the 17 January 2024 by Jobsanger

The chart above is from the CBS News / YouGov Poll -- done between January 10th and 12th of a nationwide sample of 2,870 adults, with a 2.5 point margin of error. 

I was shocked when I saw the results of this poll. About half of adults think they would be better off financially if Trump was president, while only 21% think the same about Biden. And those numbers flip when asked which would make them worse off financially.

How can anyone believe that. Trump was not a good president for the economy. He inherited a very good economy from President Obama, and then proceeded to make it worse.

He started by imposing an import tax on China (and then also put it on other nations). He said his tax would lower the trade deficit the U.S. had with China. It didn't! At the end of his term, the trade deficit was larger than ever before. All his import tax did was make goods more expensive for consumers (and hurt farmers when China retaliated by buying from other countries instead of U.S. farmers).

Trump's only other significant economic action was to pass a huge tax cut. Over 80% of the cut went to the rich and super-rich. And it added more than a trillion dollars to the deficit and national debt -- more than any other president in a single term!

Trump is a believer in the Republican "trickle-down" economic theory, which says that if government funnels more money to the rich it will trickle down and benefit everyone. It's a failed policy. I understand why Trump (and his rich cronies) like it, because it has made the rich much richer. But I don't understand why anyone else would believe in it, because nothing has ever trickled down. The bottom 90% has struggled to keep up with inflation, and the bottom 50% have seen the buying power of their income actually drop.

It seems that inflation is the cause of unhappiness with President Biden. People know it's coming down, but groceries and rents (the most noticeable inflation items) are still high. They are unlikely to ever come down to past prices. The way to help most people economically is to increase the minimum wage (which would put upward pressure on all wages), strengthen unions (which created and sustained the U.S. middle class), and to fully fund Social Security and government programs for the poor.

President Biden supports those measures. Donald Trump opposes them all.

Electing Trump will make sure the rich get much richer, but won't help most others. We need to make sure people understand that voting for Trump is actually voting against their own economic interests!