Trump Used “Lawlessness” To Try To Overturn 2020 Election: Probe Panel

Posted on the 22 July 2022 by Geetikamalik

President Donald Trump “turned on the way” violation of law and corruption “when he tried to cancel the results of the 2020 US election, the Chairperson of the DPR Committee who investigated last year’s attack on Capitol said Thursday.
Bennie Thompson, speaking in the Prime-Time Final which was broadcast from a series of public listens about the attack, said there must be a “accountability” of what he called the attack on democracy.

“For the past half of the months, the elected committee has told a story about a president who did all power to cancel the election,” Thompson said. “He lied, he bluffed, he betrayed his oath.

He tried to destroy our democratic institutions,” Thompson said, and “Carelessly lit a way of violation of the law and corruption.”

The panel, consisting of seven Democrats and two Republicans who chose to imitate Trump after violence on January 6, 2021, held a public hearing in the eighth attack on the attack on the capitol. Thompson, who has Covid, spoke with the session remotely.

MPs were examining Trump’s actions on that day, starting with a fiery speech to his supporters near the White House who claimed the November 2020 election was stolen and extended until when he finally told the rioters that they were “very special” but needed to go home .

Adam Kinzinger, a member of the Republican Committee, released a quote on Twitter about the testimony of several White House assistants who said the president spent nearly three hours watching the attack was revealed on television in a private dining room.

The panel has summoned many advisers and helpers for Trump for trying to determine whether he or his colleague has a role in planning or encourages offers by his supporters to prevent the certification of the Democratic Election victory Joe Biden.

Prime-time hearing is the eighth and last in this series. Committee members said there would be further hearing in September.

Two witnesses will give direct testimony on Thursday: Former Deputy Secretary of the White House Press Sarah Matthews and Matthew Pottinger, who served in the National Security Council.

The previous committee’s hearing had focused on Trump’s efforts to influence election officials in the Swing state that Biden won narrowly and pressed Vice President Mike Pence not to state the results of the Election College.

During the seventh session last week, the committee examined the impact of Trump’s tweet sent on December 19, 2020 urged its supporters to go down to the country’s capital on January 6 for the promised general meeting to be “wild.”

Members of the Proud Boys Right-Wing Military Group, Oath Guard and other Trump supporters saw a tweet from the president as “an appeal for weapons,” said MPs.

More than 850 people have been arrested in connection with the attack on the congress, which killed at least five people and 140 police officers were injured.

The 76-year-old Trump, who has repeatedly implies that he can run for the White House again in 2024, is impeached for the second time historic by the house after the Capitol-IA riots are charged with inciting rebellions. who chose to punish him.

The committee can issue a criminal referral to the Department of Justice, handing it over to the Attorney General Merrick Garland to decide whether Trump or others must be prosecuted because of efforts to cancel the 2020 election results.

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