Trump Tries To Defend Himself BY Lying About Obama

Posted on the 12 March 2019 by Jobsanger

The House Democrats are starting to crank up their investigation into Donald Trump's wrongdoing, and have issued subpoenas for information from about 8 dozen cohorts of Trump. Evidently this has Trump running scared, because he is trying to lay a foundation for refusing to honor those subpoenas. He's doing that by trying to compare his refusal to the Obama administration doing the same. He said:
"Instead of doing infrastructure, instead of doing health care, instead of doing so many things that they should be doing, they want to play games. President Obama, from what they tell me, was under a similar kind of a thing — didn’t give one letter. They didn’t do anything. They didn’t give one letter of the request. Many requests were made; they didn’t give a letter."
There's only one thing wrong with Trump's statement. It is an outrageous LIE! The folks at PolitiFact checked the truth of Trump's statement. Here's their conclusion:
Trump said that when Congress sought documents from Obama, the White House "didn’t do anything. They didn’t give one letter of the request. Many requests were made. They didn’t give a letter." That’s not what happened. The Obama administration gave hundreds of thousands of documents to Congress in at least four investigations. For a fraction of those documents, the administration went to court to try to head off the request, but courts generally sided with Congress, and the documents were ultimately handed over. Experts say the scenario is typical of the longstanding skirmishing between the executive and legislative branches. The documents handed over were mostly those of executive branch agencies, rather than the White House. In large part, that’s because questions never arose about Obama’s personal finances. Trump's claim is ridiculous— so we rate it Pants on Fire!