#Trump #TalkvsTruth #ParisAgreement #ClimateChange #Politics

By Pawsforreaction @PawsForReaction
Trump Talk vs Truth: Fact checking Donald Trump's Paris Climate Agreement speech
June 4, 2017- This week was devastating to the environment when President Donald Trump announced that he is pulling the United States out of the Paris Climate Accord. In his speech he gave 'alternative facts' about climate science, economics and the details of the Agreement. If one good thing came out of this, it's that so many leaders, businesses and organizations have come together to support the Paris Agreement with more strength and determination that ever before. It's also inspired the first edition of Trump Talk vs Truth- a new Paws For Reaction series.
Trump Talk vs Truth: Fact checking Donald Trump's Paris Climate Agreement speech
Trump Talk vs the Truth
Say goodbye to Trump-America's 'alternative facts,' or should I say 'alternative lies.' In Trump Talk vs Truth I will be debunking some of the lies Trump uses to deny climate, insight fear and divide people. The Paris Climate Accord will live on without the USA. Let's take a look at some of the false statements in President Donald Trump's Paris Agreement speech.

Trump Talk vs Truth: Fact checking Donald Trump's Paris Climate Agreement speech
“This Agreement shall enter into force on the thirtieth day after the date on which at least 55 Parties to the Convention accounting in total for at least an estimated 55 per cent of the total global greenhouse gas emissions have deposited their instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession,” United Nations

“The (Paris) agreement includes a commitment to keep the rise in global temperatures "well below" 2 C compared to pre-industrial times, while striving to limit them even more, to 1.5 degrees. Canadian officials agreed to this lower amount earlier this week, saying they would support a long-term goal of limiting rising average temperatures to within 1.5 C of pre-industrial levels. Scientists consider 2 C the threshold to limit potentially catastrophic climate change,” CBC News

"Unlike its predecessor, the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris accord did not legally bind nations to emissions targets. The only thing keeping a nation in check was pressure from its international peers. Under the agreement, the United States could miss an emissions goal and face no penalty. It could reset that goal, too, with no formal consequence," Washington Post News

““The scientific evidence of the severe environmental and human impacts from mountaintop mining is strong and irrefutable,” says lead author Dr. Margaret Palmer of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science and Department of Entomology, University of Maryland, College Park. “Its impacts are pervasive and long lasting and there is no evidence that any mitigation practices successfully reverse the damage it causes,” Think Progress

“Thomas Stocker, former co-chair of climate science for the IPCC, and climate and environmental physicist at the University of Bern, Switzerland: Trump’s decision to ignore scientific facts of climate disruption and the high risks of climate-change impacts is irresponsible not only towards his own people but to all people and life on this planet. The US administration prefers old technology over innovation and transformation. It is rejecting the enormous benefits and returns that leadership in the next industrial revolution- decarbonization- as to offer. The United States is the second-biggest emitter of carbon dioxide worldwide (and has contributed, with Europe, 52% of the share of cumulative carbon emissions since industrialization). It is withdrawing from its historical responsibility to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions and lead the way forward. Given the continuous commitment of most countries to reduce emissions, and the firm leadership of Europe, China and Russia in shaping the transformation towards a decarbonized economy, the United States runs the risk of being left behind and missing one of the greatest economic opportunities of our time,” Nature News (scientific journal)