Trump Sides With Racist Protesters (& Against Most Voters)

Posted on the 03 May 2020 by Jobsanger

The charts above reflect the results of the latest Economist / YouGov Poll -- done between April 26th and 28th of a national sample of 1,222 registered voters, with a 3.2 point margin of error.
The charts show that voters do not think the Coronavirus has run its course yet. About 69% say it will not be over for at least several more months.
Trump has been pushing the states to reopen all their businesses. And last week, he tweeted his support of protesters in Michigan who tried to enter their capitol building sporting assault weapons and Nazi & Confederate flags. They claimed the closing of businesses and stay-at-home orders violated their constitutional rights.
Most voters disagreed. About 68% said it did NOT violate constitutional rights.
This is the second time Trump has supported racist demonstrators, calling them good people both times. The first time was in Charlottesville. But this time, those racist demonstrators are playing with people's lives by ignoring the dangers posed by the virus. Not only did they expose themselves to the virus, but likely carried it home to others.
Trump doesn't care. He only cares about himself, and getting the economy open so he can be re-elected. I think he's made a serious mistake this time though. Most Americans consider lives more important than corporate profits. Trump will undoubtably get the votes of those protesters in November. But millions more will remember what he's doing, and they will decide the election.