Trump Says He Wants To Kill The Affordable Care Act

Posted on the 29 November 2023 by Jobsanger

A few days ago, Donald Trump said if elected again he would repeal Obamacare (the Affordable Care Act), and is considering ideas to replace it.

It would be interesting to see what those replacement ideas are. He had four years in the White House, and never came up with any replacement plan (and neither did any other Republican). 

I doubt there is a plan. He's just trying to work up some excitement among his cult followers. That would have excited many Americans a couple of decades ago. Back then, the act was still new and people were worried that it wouldn't work.

But those days are long gone. Americans have seen millions get insurance through the Affordable Care Act with private insurers, and millions more through expanded Medicaid - and they like what they have seen.

A Kaiser Family Foundation poll shows that nearly six out of ten (59%) Americans now have a favorable opinion of Obamacare. They don't want to see it go. They don't want to see millions lose their health insurance, and they don't trust Trump to come up with an adequate and workable replacement.

This was a blunder by Trump. Instead of reviving old and unpopular ideas, he needs to actually come up with workable solutions to the countries problems. I doubt he can though.