There was no disorder in Washington’s Lafayette Park in June; people were peacefully exercising their constitutional right to gather and demonstrate. Until Trump turned it into a scene of mayhem by unleashing a violent militarized assault on protesters and journalists, replete with tear gas and helicopter buzzing.
One man relates this was done to him while walking blocks away from a protest. Another was shot in the head. A navy veteran who told these gestapo guys they were acting unconstitutionally was hit with batons and pepper spray. “Law and order?”
“Protecting federal property?” — A federal facility in Portland did get trashed — after — and because — their bullies brutalized the locals. It wouldn’t have happened otherwise.
Now Trump threatens to deploy federal forces in Chicago and other cities. The administration claims some law somehow vaguely authorizes this abuse of power. Congress should legislate to clarify that it does not.
Kidnapping people is illegal. It’s those federal “officers” who are committing crimes, who should be arrested, charged, and sent to prison. (No, their officialhood does not immunize their lawbreaking. Not in America.)
Law enforcement is a local responsibility. That’s a fundamental element of our civic compact. We’ve never imagined in this country that armed federal men can just barge into a city, unbidden, indeed against the express wishes of local officials, and arrest people.
Where are all the Confederate flag wavers with their bleats about “state rights?” And the guys who keep guns saying it’s to guard against “government tyranny?” All those anti-maskers shrieking “freedom?” Does the federal assault on Portland look like freedom to you?