Yesterday, I showed you a poll from Kentucky that had Donald Trump in the top four of Republican presidential candidates in that state. Now we have a poll from Michigan -- and surprisingly, it shows the same thing. Trump garners 14% in that state, giving him a tie with Bush and Carson, and only one point behind leader Scott Walker. It's starting to look like Trump could actually be a real player in the GOP race. I have to admit this surprises me a bit. I thought even extremist Republicans could see Trump was a buffoon.
The poll also surveyed Michigan Democrats. Clinton has a firm lead of 57% in that state, but Sanders does seem to be getting some traction there. He came in at 25%.
The survey was done by Public Policy Polling between June 25th and 28th, and queried 465 Republicans and 413 Democrats. The margin of error for Republicans is 4.5 points, and for Democrats is 4.7 points.