Trump Impeachment Hearing Had An Inauspicious Start

Posted on the 16 November 2019 by Jobsanger

The chart above shows the Nielsen TV rating numbers for the opening day last Wednesday of the Trump impeachment hearings. The numbers, to say the least were very disappointing. According to Nielsen, only about 13.8 million people watched.
Nielsen numbers don't include PBS, C-SPAN, or those who streamed the proceedings live on their phones or computers -- but I doubt the total including those would be much higher. The nearly 14 million viewers would make up only about 10% of the voters in the 2016 election.
Democrats were hoping that the hearings being telecast would convince more voters that Trump should be removed from office after being impeached. They noted that the public only turned on Nixon after viewing his impeachment hearings (by the end of those hearing about 85% of U.S. households had viewed at least some of those hearings). But if that's going to happen, then the viewership must increase substantially.
Will the viewership increase as the hearings continue? or have most voters already made up their minds on whether Trump should be impeached and removed from office? I fear the latter may be the case.