Trump Hires Pro-lifer as Top Domestic Policy Adviser; Hollywood Insider as Campaign Finance Chairman

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

On Wednesday, May 4, a day after Trump essentially sealed his nomination by decisively winning the Indiana primary, I was listening to a call-in talk show on EWTN Catholic radio while driving on the freeway. Well knowing the presidential race is now a Trump vs. Hillary contest, the host expressed his reservations about Donald Trump, questioning whether Trump is really a Christian because of his dubious stance on abortion — all legitimate issues to raise.

The host urged listeners to pray, especially the Rosary, for the November presidential election. Then the sanctinomious host made what he imagined to be a really clever quip, saying, “Trump will pick the perfect, just the perfect, VP running mate! Are you ready? — Charlie Sheen!”

Whatever Trump’s flaws, and there are many, there has never been any suggestion that Trump condones the noxious, criminal behaviors of the sociopath Charlie Sheen. That quip was below the belt, grossly unfair, and decidedly unbecoming for a Catholic program. And yet this radio host is the one who questions whether Trump is really a Christian. Too funny.

I wonder what this radio host will say about Trump’s appointment of a major pro-lifer as his top domestic policy adviser.

Steven Ertelt reports for LifeNews, May 5, 2016, that Trump is winning praise from pro-life advocates for hiring John Mashburn, a long-time conservative congressional aide and a top pro-life advocate as a key domestic policy advisor. Mashburn has worked for pro-life lawmakers including the late Sen. Jesse Helms, former Senate Republican leader Trent Lott, and current North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis.

In 2011, Mashburn joined the conservative D.C. think tank Carleson Center for Public Policy as its executive director.

The Washington Examiner reports that pro-life groups see the move as Trump making serious overtures to pro-life voters and hail it as Trump indicating he will govern in a pro-life manner if elected president.

Penny Nance, president and CEO of Concerned Women for America, said: “Yes he [Mashburn] is a rock solid pro-lifer and former Helms staffer. Someone we can work with.”

Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the national pro-life organization Susan B. Anthony List, said in a statement to Trump:

“If I were running for president, I would want John Mashburn as a top advisor, too. If elected, no doubt John Mashburn will serve you well as you fulfill your campaign promises to defund Planned Parenthood, advance and sign into law the popular Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, and appoint Justices to the bench who will protect and defend the Constitution.

Donald Trump has brought on John Mashburn as his Policy Director. This is an excellent hire, especially for the pro-life movement and our legislative priorities.

I have known and respected John Mashburn for many years. He is a smart strategist with deep pro-life roots. John is well-respected across every issue set. For him, the life issue is foundational and one which helped draw him into politics.

On Planned Parenthood and abortion, although Trump has said he opposes taxpayer funding, he’s also made some remarks about the “good things” Planned Parenthood does that alarm pro-life voters. In a recent CBN interview, however, Trump was asked a pointed question by David Brody: “As a President Trump, if a bill came to your desk that would defund Planned Parenthood you would support that, you would sign that?”

Trump answered:

“Yes, because as long as they do the abortion I am not for funding Planned Parenthood…. As long as they’re involved with abortion, as far as I’m concerned forget it, I wouldn’t fund them regardless. I would defund Planned Parenthood because of their view and the fact of their work on abortion…. I am for defunding Planned Parenthood as long as they are involved with abortion.

Trump also said he thinks the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court case that ushered in an era of 48 million abortions was “wrongly decided.” Although he opposes Roe v. Wade and said that as president he would appoint “very good judges” who would ultimately “change it,” Trump has not specifically said the ruling should be overturned.

Meanwhile, in other news, The Hollywood Reporter reports that yesterday Trump named Hollywood insider Steven Mnuchin, 52, the wealthy chairman of Dune Entertainment Partners, as his national finance chairman. Trump said, “Steven is a professional at the highest level with an extensive and very successful financial background. He brings unprecedented experience and expertise to a fundraising operation that will benefit the Republican Party and ultimately defeat Hillary Clinton.”

But the appointment is sure to raise eyebrows among Republicans and Trump’s populist supporters because:

  1. Mnuchin has donated more money to Democrats than he has to Republicans, including $7,000 to the Senate campaign of Hillary Clinton, whom Trump is likely to face in the general election for president. Trump, though, also has a history of giving money to both parties.
  2. Mnuchin also partnered on a hedge fund with billionaire George Soros, who has practically made it his life mission to discredit Republicans, including funding the progressive group Media Matters for America, which has issued a steady stream of anti-Trump missives over the past several months. Soros also is one of the primary donors behind a $15 million effort to mobilize Latinos in an effort to defeat Trump.
  3. Mnuchin made a small fortune at Goldman Sachs, were he had worked for 17 years, and Trump used to criticize former GOP rival Ted Cruz because his wife had also worked at Goldman Sachs.

H/t FOTM‘s MomOfIV
