Trump Has Record Low Job Approval In Average Of Polls

Posted on the 10 August 2017 by Jobsanger
Trump Has Record Low Job Approval In Average Of Polls
Trump Has Record Low Job Approval In Average Of Polls
These charts are from RealClearPolitics. The top chart shows the latest polls on Donald Trump's job approval. The bottom chart shows the historical average of all polls about Trump's job approval.
Note that the current average of the latest polls is 37.8% approving of the job Trump is doing, and 56.9% disapproving -- a negative polls' average gap of 19.1 points. As the bottom chart shows, that's the record lowest Trump has registered since being sworn in -- and the largest negative gap since then.
Not only is Trump not fixing his job approval numbers, but they are steadily getting worse. And as the chart below shows (from the latest IBD/TIPP Poll), he is now starting to lose some support from groups that supported him in the 2016 election.
Trump Has Record Low Job Approval In Average Of Polls