Trump (& Giuliani) Are LYING About The Clinton Foundation

Posted on the 25 August 2016 by Jobsanger

You can tell that the Trump campaign is getting desperate by the number and volume of the lies told about his opponent. The latest one concerns the Clinton Foundation. Donald Trump (and his lap dog Rudy Giuliani) have lately been saying that Hillary Clinton, to enrich herself while Secretary of State, sold access to her office for donations to the foundation. Let me be clear:
None of the money raised raised for the Clinton Foundation has gone into the pockets (or bank accounts) of Bill or Hillary Clinton -- not a single penny. In fact, CharityWatch (which investigates how charities use the money they raise) gave the Clinton Foundation an "A" rating (the highest rating they give).
That's because the Clinton Foundation spends 87.2% of funds received to help millions of people around the world (a larger percentage than most other charities spend on their stated missions). About 8.6% is spent on employee salaries and other operating expenses, and 3.7% is spent on fundraising. The other 0.5% is to provide for uncollectible pledges. Frankly, those are numbers that all charities should aspire to have.
One of the things Trump (and some in the media) are crowing about is the fact that some donors to the foundation also were able to meet with Clinton while she was Secretary of State. That is true. I would have been surprised if it wasn't true. But there is absolutely NO proof that the donations were a quid pro quo for meeting with Clinton. Those people would likely have been able to meet with Clinton anyway -- just like many people did who did not donate to the foundation.
This is just Donald Trump's latest effort to label Clinton as a "crook". But the truth is that she's one of the cleanest politicians around. She's been investigated by her enemies for over a quarter of a century now, and no one has been able to find even the smallest illegal or immoral act she has committed. Can anyone say the same about Donald Trump?