Trump Claims He Excelled in Cognitive Test, Challenges Biden to Take It

Posted on the 23 July 2020 by Harsh Sharma @harshsharma9619
Home/International/Trump claims he excelled in cognitive test, challenges Biden to take it

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(Washington) US President Donald Trump has revealed details of a cognitive test he said he "excelled in", including a test of memory which he said showed he had the "mental stamina" to lead the United States.

France Media Agency

Revealing details of the test to Fox TV on Wednesday, he challenged his November presidential rival Joe Biden, against whom he is in increasing difficulty in the polls, to pass it.

"The last questions are much more difficult," he said in the interview, during which he questioned repeatedly the mental capacities of the Democratic candidate.

Donald Tump indicated that the test included, for example, "a question of memory". "They tell you to repeat words: person, woman, man, camera, TV. I said yes, it's nobody, woman, man, camera, TV ".

"Then ten, fifteen, twenty minutes later, they say to you: 'do you remember that first question? Repeat ".

"And you go: person, woman, man, camera, TV".

"And they say: this is great, how did you do that? "

"I do this because I have a good memory," added Donald Trump. "Because I am there, cognitively".

Mr. Trump, aged 64 years old, challenged Joe Biden, 76 years, to take this test.

"You need physical stamina," he said. "You need mental stamina [...] you need to be sharp. President Xi is lively, President Putin is lively, Erdogan is lively ".

The interview was quickly ridiculed on social media.

"Seriously, I can't keep up," tweeted comedian Sarah Cooper, who became famous with parodies of Donald Trump.

She had already done a recent interview with the president on Fox News, in which he explained that he had "cardboard" in a cognitive test, showing proof of his passing the test: a page from a coloring book.