(Washington) Donald Trump demanded on Sunday that the perpetrator of the Boston Marathon bombing be sentenced to death again, criticizing the recent overturning of his sentence by a court of 'call.
France Media Agency
"So many lives lost or ruined": the death penalty "has rarely been so deserved" as for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, tweeted the American president, who is leading a re-election campaign focused on "firmness".
"The federal government must once again demand the death penalty [...] our country cannot leave the appeal decision in force", he said.
Citing in particular problems in the selection of jurors, a federal appeals court in Boston on Friday overturned part of the judgment of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and referred his case to a court of first instance for reconsideration.
Whatever the outcome, he will remain sentenced, at a minimum, to life imprisonment.
A student of Chechen origin, he was sentenced to death in June 1988 for having posed, with his older brother, Tamerlan , two homemade bombs near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing three and injuring 264.
His defense has always asserted that the young man, aged 17 years The time (23 today, was under the influence of his elder.
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
Tamerlan Tsarnaev was killed by law enforcement three days after the attack, following a manhunt in the Boston suburbs. While on the run the two brothers shot dead a policeman.
Donald Trump regularly calls for an increased use of the death penalty and as the November 3 election approaches, his government seems determined to carry out a record number of federal executions.
Returning to a practice that had been interrupted for 16 years, the republican administration has already gave three lethal injections in July. Four more are planned for August and September.
In the United States, most crimes are tried at the state level, with federal courts hearing only the most serious acts or committed on Indian reservations or on military bases.
Since 924, only three people have been executed for a federal crime.