Found on the Net:
Despite my personal opposition to Trump, I’ve got to acknowledge that he has (probably inadvertently) tapped in to a deeply held, normally quiet, but justifiable anger in response to the war on white men being waged by women, blacks, Latinos, and other groups that have bound together to advance their own interests.
There’s nothing wrong with any of these groups doing that, but it is all directed against white men, who are presumed to have unjust privilege. These anti-white-men groups have made substantial progress over my lifetime, but they have gone too far. White men’s rights are being trampled on by every special interest group. White men are portrayed by the media as stupid, caring only about sex. Young white men are portrayed by the media as being irresponsible. Evidently being a white man is now some sort of disease.
This 30-year trend pisses white men off, or at least it ought to. Usually this pent-up anger doesn’t get voiced, but it’s widely held, and if it’s not dealt with in any other way, then it will be dealt with by the likes of Trump. In my view this is a very bad turn of events, because there are very good ways to fight the war on white men on the basis of social justice and fairness… but that’s a liberal way of thinking, not the conservative way and certainly not the Trump way.
Nope, we’re going to get a big dose of the Trump way because a huge percentage of our population is feeling disenfranchised. We see our college-educated white sons unable to get good jobs. We worry about our own jobs and what would happen if we lost them, and we see our companies court young women and diversity precisely BECAUSE they are not white men. That’s wrong, folks. Dislike Trump for all his ugly beliefs, nasty rhetoric, bullying nature, and simplistic thinking, but he’s tapping into a deep resentment felt by the white male voter.
IMHO, he has awakened a sleeping giant that will outlast his candidacy.
I think this guy just might be onto something. Society has been pummeling us White men for decades now, and we are getting really sick and tired of it. I do not support Trump at all and never will, but I am starting to understand his appeal. Sure the Republican Party created this Trump monster but so did the liberals of the Democratic Party with their continuous contempt and hatred for White American workers (much in evidence by liberal commenters on this blog).
And so did the SJW and PC morons and the whole lunatic Identity Politics gang. They’ve been poking this White male polar bear forever now, and it’s starting to lash out at its attackers. Remember that White polar bears are quite deadly. They will eat a man for lunch without batting an eye.
Let’s face it. It’s not only the Republican Party that created this Frankenstein but it’s also the PC, SJW Identity Politics Cultural Left liberals that have taken over the Democratic Party and declared war on White males.
White men, especially working class White men, look around themselves and see that something is very, very wrong. And they are right.
They are under attack from the Right and the DNC centrists by an economic project that supports the 1%, ships their jobs overseas, signs trade deals catastrophic for White workers, sucks up to their worst enemies on Wall Street, destroys their environment with fracking and pipelines and imports millions of Mexican illegals to take out low level White workers’ jobs while importing countless more higher-level legal H1B immigrants to the computer industry ruining millions of great office jobs for White workers.
The same thing is happening now in the accounting industry. Americans, mostly White men, are being fired in droves from accounting companies who are replacing them with imported H1B workers while the Democratic Party cheers and slaps the accounting companies on the back.
For a very long time, White white collar workers sneered at working class White men who lost millions of jobs to Mexican illegal aliens. “If you lost your job to an illegal alien, that just shows you what a loser you are,” they snarled with classist contempt. But the white collar office worker Whites are no longer protected. Now they themselves are starting to be hit by the same forces – mass importation of cheap labor to replace White workers – that earlier devastated the White working class. Increasingly, even they are no longer safe.
Whether an American White man has some particular privileges over the even worse condition of a Black man in America is not really the issue. To a White man living in a ruined White working class city like Muskogee, Oklahoma, those words fall on deaf ears, and who can blame them? To a White man economically devastated by globalized transnational corporations, telling him that he is privileged is a slap in his damned face, and you SJW idiots know it well.
This beating up on White men crap is just not working. These SJW morons are helping to create a unique American fascism as efficiently of all the Republican dog whistles of the last 30 years.
Love him or hate him, Donald Trump and his American fascist movement is our baby. It is we ourselves who birthed this bad seed, and now we must live with the terror we have idiotically unleashed.
Way to go Identity Politics folks. You have created a monster. Are you proud of yourselves?