Trump Appears Too Lazy To Know Michael Moore Does Not Support Him

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Donald Trump, five hours ago tweeted that he agreed with Michael Moore about an edited excerpt of his video “Michael Moore In TrumpLand.”  You can read the Tweet by clicking here.

3 Tips For Donald Trump

  1. Try to learn about what you’re talking about before talking. For example learn how Obamacare works before saying it’s ruining your employees, and then saying your employees don’t have it on the same day.
  2. Just because the title has your name in it, does not mean that it supports you. p.s. in case you are getting any ideas, if you are elected, you are not allowed to rename the country “TrumpLand.”
  3. The movie does not support you. Are you going to handle relations with world leaders like the back of a movie box quoting critics?  What happens if you are meeting with a foreign leader and their translator leaves out words with a dot…

Leader quote: “I would like to create a fair trade agreement with you and your country. Let’s get down to business after the Chicago Cubs game. If they win for the first time in decades, their fans won’t call them lovable losers any more!”

Edited quote: “I would like to…trade…you…to…the Chicago Cubs…for… losers…”

Can you imagine such a situation – you would totally ruin the Cubs’ chance at winning the World Series as their new shortstop!