Truebies are honored during this final season of HBO’s True Blood with the hash tag #GoodbyesSuck and a slew of thank you videos from the cast on social media sites, including Instagram.
You can check out each Instragram video below for the following True Blood cast: Rutina Wesley (Tara Thornton), Nelsan Ellis (Lafayette Reynolds), Joe Manganiello (Alcide Herveaux), Sam Trammell (Sam Merlotte) and Tara Buck (Ginger the screamer). All you need to do is click on each image and it will take you straight to their personal Instagram video message on True Blood’s official Instagram page (truebloodhbo)
Be sure to check back for more later on!
Raise a glass of Tru Blood for Rutina Wesley as she thanks fans for support and love throughout the years. #GoodbyesSuck #TrueBlood
A message of thanks to all of the LaLa fans from Nelsan Ellis. #GoodbyesSuck #TrueBlood
@JoeManganiello is “grateful for all of your support,” Truebies. #TrueToTheEnd #TrueBlood
“You went on this ride with us & it was so fun.” Sam Trammell thanks all of the Truebies for experiencing Bon Temps with him. #TrueToTheEnd #TrueBlood #GoodbyesSuck
Tara Buck says thanks to all Truebies the only way she knows how. Read her full interview at #TrueToTheEnd #GoodybesSuck #TrueBlood
Sources: InstagramHBO - Tara’s (Rutina Wesley), Lafayette’s (Nelsan Ellis), Alcide’s (Joe Manganiello), Sam’s (Sam Trammell) and Ginger’s (Tara Buck)
(Photo Credits: HBO Inc/.Instagram)