True Blood Season 7: Get Ready For a Southern-Off Between Pam & Sarah

Posted on the 06 August 2014 by Truebloodnetcom @truebloodnet

Pam hates my guts, and she is definitely not holding any of that back. She is one of the actresses that I have always wanted to have scenes with on this show. You see these two Southern belles who are pretty girly, and we have some great one-liners. There’s a handful of scenes that I’m really excited about seeing because she’s awesome to work with.

Who can’t wait for this clash? But will Sarah finally meet with a grisly end after a Hep-V antidote is synthesized? No one is spilling the beans on that Season 7 secret, but it does look likely with Anna Camp having said Sarah ‘definitely deserves to die‘ in several interviews.

What do you think will happen to Sarah in upcoming episodes of True Blood? Let us know your thoughts by commenting below!

Source: TV Guide - True Blood Postmortem: Anna Camp Breaks Down Big Twist, Talks Sarah’s Future

(Photo Credit: HBO Inc.)