Fast track down to Episode 9 of True Blood and Andy still hasn’t had a chance to catch up with Jessica and confront her about her killer instincts. This looks set to change in Episode 10, entitled Radioactive, since Deborah Ann Woll recently dropped this hint in an interview with TV Guide:
There’s still a lot of story to be told. Before the end of the season, we will see more of them. It’s not over.
Thanks to a some disturbing snippets within some True Blood promo videos released by HBO, we can see Andy fired up and getting ready to go on a rampage with a loaded weapon – will Jessica meet the true death? Deborah doesn’t seem to think so:
When I read about what I did to Andy’s daughters, my first thought was, ‘I don’t know how Jessica Hamby and Andy Bellefleur can be on the same show after something like that. One of them is going to have to go.’ I was 90 percent sure that prophecy at the beginning just meant that I was going to bite it.
Judging by that, it seems Jessica does in fact survive. But is Bon Temps big enough for Jessica Hamby and Andy Bellefleur? I guess we’ll find out in True Blood Season 7!
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Source: TV Guide - True Blood Postmortem: Deborah Ann Woll Speaks Out on the Prophecy
(Photo Credit: HBO Inc.)