Still in the dark, abandoned woods, a confused Marnie questions Lafayette, Jesus, and Tara as to “what just happened?” Lafayette is quick to answer that she just successfully pissed off yet another vampire and then took a nap. Marnie then tries to convince the trio that a spirit possessed her body and saved them all, once again, from the vicious vamps. Marnie is convinced that this spirit is their ‘protector,’ but unconvinced by her explanation, they all quickly leave.
Arlene and Terry decide that the best thing they can do for their family is to call the Reverend and have him rid the house of whatever spirit is lurking within the walls. Reverend Daniels and the new Mrs. Reverend Daniels (aka: Tara Thornton’s crazy mother) show up and carry out their version of what appears to be an exorcism with a little bit of humor thrown in. Come on, I know I wasn’t the only one laughing hysterically at their catchy little tune! It’s apparent that both Arlene and Terry had more confidence in the Reverend and Mrs. Daniels than they should have, because they didn’t waste any time hopping into bed, oblivious to the pack of matches that suddenly erupted in flames on a nearby chest of drawers.
Am I the only one whose heart skipped a beat as soon as I laid eyes upon a confused, shirtless Eric standing in the doorway of Sookie’s room, alongside the pale, nevertheless stunning deity, also known as Godric? Godric tries to convince Eric to join him in draining Sookie, but Eric clearly doesn’t want any part in it. As much as I hoped Eric wasn’t dreaming and that Godric was somehow still ‘alive,’ as soon as Godric began to attempt to convince Eric to drink Sookie’s blood, I knew it had to be a dream. Eric awakens from the dream and goes directly to Sookie’s room, waking her in the process. “Eric! What the hell!” she yells, and after a few seconds he replies with the simple explanation of, “I had a bad dream.” Classic. If I didn’t know any better I would think that this was yet another one of the old Eric’s tricks to get closer to Sookie, but fortunately this isn’t the case. Sookie spends the next several moments consoling Eric after his ‘bad dream’ left him not only confused but depressed as well. He asks if he can stay there, in bed with her until sunrise, and she agrees as long as he promises to keep his fangs and hands to himself. Eric stated:
“I would never hurt anyone as beautiful as you.”
Who else out there is loving amnesiac Eric and his adorable newly acquired innocence?
Bill is surprised to find a determined Portia at his door. She comes in and pushes herself on him, but he’s quick to remind her that they share the same bloodline and that their relationship can no longer continue where they had left off. Portia, who is apparently pro-incest, tries her best to convince Bill that there is nothing wrong with the two of them being in a relationship. However, Bill still refuses to accept her advances, and finally he glamours her into being completely terrified of him.
The next day Sookie pays Marnie a visit and asks for a reading. At first Marnie declines, but she soon gives in and gives Sookie the reading she asked for. Sookie then begins to listen in to Marnie’s thoughts, and before long Marnie describes someone close to Sookie who has a message for her. Sookie is surprised to learn that her Gran wants to know if she’s falling in love and also asks her to look after her brother. Then, Gran begins talking to her directly knowing that Sookie is listening in to Marnie’s thoughts. She advises her to get away from this woman quickly because she poses great danger, and Sookie takes her advice and leaves.
Lafayette and Jesus leave Bon Temps in an attempt to find Jesus’ grandfather, a shaman, who he believes will be able to help them with their current vampire crisis, while Sam and Tommy come up with a plan to hide the bodies of their parents. On the way to dispose of their corpses, Andy Bellefleur pulls them over to the side of the road and insists on searching the van after seeing blood smeared on the door. Lucky for them, Tommy thinks fast and shifts into an alligator, not only terrifying Andy but also satisfying his curiosity as to the contents of the van in the process.
Hoyt and Jason are eating lunch at Merlotte’s when Jason overhears Holly mention that the full moon is the following night. Jason instantly goes into panic mode at this realization, unsure of just what will happen to him once the moon is full. Alcide answers a knock at the door to find a man he doesn’t recognize, who introduces himself as Marcus Bozeman, the pack master of Shreveport. Marcus is furious that Alcide hasn’t made any attempt to stop by and introduce himself to the pack. Alcide, unimpressed, explains that he’s “currently exploring free agency” and that if Marcus doesn’t get his foot out of the door, that he’ll break it. Marcus then leaves infuriated.
Sam and Tommy finally arrive at the swamp and begin to toss the corpses in the water; while in the process Tommy begins to have a breakdown and is certain that he is going to Hell for murdering his parents. Sam explains to him that murder is ok as long as you’re at war or defending yourself, and finally concludes that Tommy was at war with his parents and murdered them in self defense, so he has no reason to fret.
If the Daniels’ hymn near the beginning of the episode didn’t make you laugh, Jason, Jessica, and Hoyt’s next scene surely did. Jason is shocked to find Jessica in bed with him and even more shocked that after she has “rocked his world”, his vision clears — and rather than Jessica being on top of him, it is Hoyt. He quickly awakens from the dream, traumatized by what he has just witnessed in his unconscious state.
Back at “Sookie’s” house she and Tara are having a deep discussion about Tara’s girlfriend and her life in general. Tara explains to Sookie that Naomi, Tara’s girlfriend, has found mail addressed to Tara Thornton and that she wants to know exactly who this said “Tara Thornton” is. Sookie advises her to come clean with Naomi and tell her everything. Then, without warning, Eric appears in the room and Tara completely loses it, spewing every evil thing Eric has done to Sookie and her friends, wondering out loud why Sookie would ever give him shelter, and storming out the door in the process. Eric, disheartened at some of the knowledge he has just learned about his former self walks out the door, leaving Sookie alone on the couch. “Eric, please don’t go,” Sookie pleads as she follows him out the door. She reaches for him and he comes to her, embracing her securely in his arms. Then, can I get a drum roll please… They FINALLY share a very intimate, much anticipated, “real” kiss. How many of you wished that for just a moment you were on the receiving end of that? Don’t worry, you weren’t the only ones!
Meanwhile, Pam goes to Bill for help regarding her recent bout with decomposition and convinces him to have Marnie taken in and questioned. However, this proves to be a failed attempt considering Marnie knows very little of the spells she has cast with the help of an unknown spirit, who Bill later identifies as being Antonia, a sorceress who once lured several vampires from their sleep and into the light, destroying them all in the process. During this conversation Pam accidentally lets it slip that Eric has lost his memory. A confused, furious Bill then demands to know exactly where Eric is. Pam denies that she knows where he is at first, but finally is forced to admit to Bill that Eric is with Sookie. A distressed Bill then flees from the house. Who knows what he might find once he arrives at Sookie’s…
What do you all think he will find upon his arrival at Sookie’s house? (I think I might have a good idea!) And what about Pam? Do you all think that Marnie will be able to break the current spell placed on her? What’s your current favorite storyline? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!
(Photo Credit: HBO, Inc.)