True Blood’s Salome Blogs About Her First Table Read

Posted on the 20 January 2012 by Thevault @The_Vault

One of the new cast members Valentina Cervi, who has been cast in the part of Salome for Season 5, blogged about her first day of True Blood at the table read. It must be a daunting experience to have your first table read with such a seasoned cast and the amazing, Alan Ball. Read what she had to say about it below.

Table read, or the reading of the scenes around a table. This is my first meeting with my new work group. About thirty actors listen to the genius producer Alan Ball who gives directions on the new episodes of True Blood. Next to him, are the director and writer of the episode.

The reading begins and I am bit scared. It’s always a first time: it is still a beginning, a start. I listen with curiosity to the voices of my “vampire colleagues”. “They are so good” I think: I recognize the characters, the nuances, “I feel” the characters. It is only a reading, but the flavor of the series is already clear.

It’s a united team, they’ve worked together for several years: I tremble at the idea of my first speech… I look up and, in front of me, at the other site of the table, I see Anna Paquin, principal actress of four seasons of True Blood. For a moment I’m distracted: I think about her first film, she was the girl from The Piano, and I think – in the space that divides us and brings us together – there’s Jane Campion, the director with whom I also debuted (in The Portrait of a Lady): both we are deeply indebted to her.

How funny, I relax. This strange coincidence for some reason reassures me and gives me the courage to jump in. It’s my turn to read: “Welcome”. I am happy, it’s not bad at all for a first impression.

source: via