Following his major recurring role on the final season of HBO’s True Blood, I hear Riley Smith is returning to the pay cable network with a recurring role on True Detective. The second installment in the crime franchise revolves around three police officers, played by Colin Farrell, Taylor Kitsch and Rachel McAdams, and a career criminal (Vince Vaughn) who must navigate a web of conspiracy in the aftermath of a murder. Smith will play McAdams’ boyfriend, Steve Mercier, a boyish Sheriff’s deputy.
Truebies will remember Riley Smith as newcomer Keith, the vampire that ended up stealing Arlene Fowler’s (Carrie Preston) heart in Season 7 of True Blood.
Will you be tuning in to watch True Detective now that it has a True Blood line up or were you already a fan of the show? Let us know your thoughts by commenting below!
Source: Deadline – ‘True Detective’ Adds Riley Smith For Season 2
(Photo Credit: HBO Inc.)