So what did you think of True Blood Season 6, Episode 9, entitled Life Matters? Personally, this was my favourite episode of the Season! In fact, I would probably rank it somewhere in the top 5 across the ENTIRE series. To me, this episode was less about how much life matters, and how much more family matters.
And what about Steven Newlin, hey? Even though I HATED him the most in the last episode, I am actually really sad to see him go.
This is what went down:
- So Billith (Stephen Moyer) is pissy with Sookie (Anna Paquin) for not handing over Warlow (Robert Kazinsky). Sookie reminds him that Eric Northman (Alexander Skarsgard) now has more fairy blood in him than Warlow – seriously Billith, did you lose your brain when you became all ‘Look at me, I’m a god’? While Billith is trying to get his brain around this concept, Sookie zaps his ass right out of Fairyland!
Speaking of Eric, he’s on a rampage – and it is AWESOME! Billith spends the whole season worrying about how to save his vampire friends. Eric? He’s a man of action! In all of five minutes he’s managed to drain Warlow AND turn the security outside Vamp Camp into a bloody soup. *high five Eric* - Warlow says he fine – but I don’t think he is…
- While all the crazy Vamp Camp stuff is going on, we have Terry’s (Todd Lowe) funeral occurring in Bon Temps. We get a whole heap of flashbacks (Terry gets a job) and blasts from the past (Jane Bodehouse sobers up and Maxine Fortenberry STILL isn’t happy with her son’s choice in women) mixed in with plenty of tears. (I dare you not to cry when Big John sings.) It’s a good funeral and a poignant send off for a gentle character that struggled so much with his inner demons.
- Back at Vamp Camp Eric is ripping the junk off Dr. Overlark (John Fleck) and leaving to die within sight of his crown jewels. Just when you think this is the most eye-watering scene ever in True Blood history, Billith arrives (always just one step behind Eric) and stomps on the man’s head
- Speaking of vampires getting their revenge on their captors, Dr. Finn (Pruitt Taylor Vince) gets to brag about his conquest with Pam (Kristin Bauer van Straten), but then gets killed by her. Rule learned here: Always, always, be nice to vampires
- Eric finds Jason Stackhouse (Ryan Kwanten) while he is releasing everyone from gen pop. Jason is thankful for the blood healing Eric gives him, but it looks like we will get to witness Jason questioning his sexuality again this season
- By the way, did anyone notice the lack of fangs after Eric bit his arm open for Jason?
- Sarah Newlin (Anna Camp) is excellent at playing dead to escape the vampires. Thanks to this, she manages to get up on the roof of Vamp Camp and manually opens the roof to the white room – luckily Bill has finally worked out that he needs to let all the vampires trapped in there feed off him and none of them actually fry
- All except Steve Newlin (Michael McMillian). Well, technically, Billith is happy to give him his blood, but the other vamps pull rank and it is time for Steve to meet the sun. Line of the night goes to Steve; ‘I love you Jason Stackhouse!’ while his
derangedpoor estranged wife, Sarah Newlin looks on. - That’s when Jason Stackhouse realises that she’s still alive and takes chase. It’s nice to see all that time spent playing football back in high school helps him bring her down! It’s a shame he can’t pull the trigger though and kill her. Guess we will be seeing more of Sarah Newlin in True Blood Season 7 then…
- Lafayette (Nelsan Reynolds) gives the best funeral speeches. EVER!
- So Jessica (Deborah Ann Woll) finally works out that Billith is weak from blood loss and missing. She takes James (Luke Grimes) back to the white room to find him
- Being near death, Billith is seeing Lilith’s (Jessica Clarke) bloody messengers again. This time they are telling him his time on earth is over! Luckily Jessica arrives at just the right time and she and James feed Billith back to health
- Meanwhile, somewhere in Honolulu, a truck filled with Tru Blood is being stolen by vampires
- The mystery of ‘Where’s Ginger (Tara Buck)?’ has been solved: Governor Burrell (Arliss Howard) was using her as a human blood cow. We get to hear her deliciously shrill shrieks for the rest of the episode as a result of her being released
- Vampires go all ‘hippy lovechild‘ when they are high on fairy blood
- True Blood has officially gone Team Twilight on us with day-walking vampires. This makes me a little uncomfortable…
- Pam and Eric have a moment – right before Eric zooms off into the sky. He must have some unfinished work. Maybe in Honolulu? Guess we’ll have to wait until True Blood’s Season 6 Finale to find out!
So what did you think of Life Matters? Are you excited about the finale? Have you baked Sookie’s gran’s pecan pie yet?
Source: Rachel Tsoumbakos - IN A NUTSHELL: True Blood Season 6, Episode 9 Recap
(Photo Credits: HBO Inc.)