For many it was more about the fact that Sookie didn’t choose Eric (Alexander Skarsgard) or Bill (Stephen Moyer), that she ended up with just some random stranger. But, for Brian Buckner, True Blood’s show runner, it was more about the fact that Sookie chose to be human and have a normal life rather than who she ended up with.
But that doesn’t mean we can’t still wonder, right?
It turns out, bearded Mr. Sookie Stackhouse was picked at random from the stunt doubles on set at the time. His name is Timothy Eulich and he was chosen because he had the best pair of arms there! Recently Vulture got to ask Timothy some questions about being Mr. Sookie Stackhouse:
I was laughing with my wife Sunday night about all the tweets from all the people freaking out about not getting to see Sookie’s husband’s face. It was fun!
However, Timothy hasn’t had a chance to watch all of Episode 10 (entitled Thank You) yet, even though he has worked on set throughout Season 7.
In the past, Timothy has been a stunt double for many True Blood characters including Michael McMillian (Steve Newlin), Sam Trammell (Sam Merlotte) and even Eric Northman. In fact, when you see Eric catching on flames at the end of Season 6, it was Timothy, in part, you were seeing:
I just did the fire. With everything that we did, we worked very closely with the visual effects team, so they wanted to get the real fire elements for that. I was in a full black suit on a black backdrop, with a huge fire burn, and they went and layered in Alex baking on the mountainside. But that was definitely Alex’s body. [Chuckles.] I didn’t take my clothes off for that!
Besides being a stunt double, you actually get a chance to see his face in Season 2! He was playing a character called Rich, who got saved by Sookie. So, in theory, perhaps Sookie ended up meeting up with Rich again and falling in love:
You know, I was thinking about that, and I don’t think it’s terribly far-fetched that it’s Rich! I don’t think the writers would necessarily think that [laughs] but I mean, Sookie did save Rich from being killed by Eric in that scene, so there was a little moment there and it’s possible it turned into something, years and years later. “Hey, remember that time at church when you saved my life? That was really awesome of you. We should go have a drink sometime.” Yeah, I think it would have been nice.
You can find out more about Timothy Eulich by checking out the following sites:
Source: Vulture - Meet the Actor Who Played the Bearded Mystery Man in the True Blood Series Finale
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