True Blood Finale Quickie: True Blood Season 6 Episode 10 “Life Matters” Recap

Posted on the 19 August 2013 by Truebloodnetcom @truebloodnet

This is what went down (can’t believe this is the last one):

  • Sookie Stackhouse (Anna Paquin) and Alcide Herveaux (Joe Manganiello) go walking after Terry Bellefleur’s (Todd Lowe) funeral. It seems Alcide isn’t the mindless beefcake Sookie expected!
  • So while they are walking and talking (and is that flirting I see?), they bump into a whole pile of sparkling Twilight wannabes day-walking vampires. Sookie finally realises that Billith (Stephen Moyer) was right. She doesn’t have time to dwell on this when she spies Jason (Ryan Kwanten) among them
  • After it gets a little fangy between Jason, Sookie and Violet (Karolina Wydra), things are amended with a kiss – between Sookie and Violet! How awkward for Jason: the ultimate male fantasy – except, dude, that’s your sister!
  • For the first time ever we see Pam (Kristin Bauer van Straten) genuinely happy – and with Sookie nonetheless!
  • That happy high doesn’t last for long though and Pam very quickly turning into the snark we know and love so much. She decides to hunt down Eric Northman (Alexander Skarsgard) and leaves Tara (Rutina Wesley) in charge of Willa (Amelia Rose Blaire)
  • Tara looks ridiculous in a straw hat
  • Sookie also looks silly in hats
  • Sookie returns to Fairyland and an eagerly waiting Warlow (Robert Kazinsky). It seems, now that all Sookie’s vampire friends are safe, she can’t see the point in an immediate fae wedding and vampire turning. But Warlow is pissy – especially after he spent all that time making a maypole while she was gone – so he slaps her! WTF?!
  • Warlow is one badass monster! He should be horsewhipped on the spot for that slap. But, oh no, it gets worse! He gets all nasty-pants by choking her and then tying her to the maypole. Sookie tries to nuclear-fairy-ball him but he’s too fast and ties her hands up and then proceeds to FEED off her! See, this is why you should never trust a guy who’s killed your parents – not matter WHAT the reason!
  • Billith begins the long road to redemption in this episode – so glad to see this 
  • Jessica (Deborah Ann Woll) is very good at whipping that ‘poor me‘ attitude right out of Bill when he explains Sookie is going to be turned and it’s all his fault
  • Jason is REAL pissed when Bill and Jessica ‘fess up about Sookie – and I don’t blame him one little bit! But, oh, I do LOVE to see Jason on a mission!
  • So Adilyn (Bailey Noble) is needed to get into Fairyland – bet Andy Bellefleur (Chris Bauer) is going to love that idea – NOT! But in the end he agrees and him and Jason weapon up and head to the church with Bill, Jessica and Violet
  • Sometimes you just have to scare the crap out of a fairy to get to use her magic – I’m sure Violet is sorry Adilyn 
  • The rescue of Sookie gets a bit full on. This is what goes down: Adilyn gets them into Fairyland, Violet releases Sookie. Bills stakes Warlow, everyone (except Bill and Warlow) escape back to Bon Temps and batten down the hatches at Sookie’s house (because a house is SO much stronger than a 6,000 year old fairy-vampire who is pissed), Violet gives Sookie her blood to heal her
  • But wait – Warlow just walks right out of that nasty staking mess, kicks Bill and flies off. Uh-oh
  • Yeah, that old southern house just doesn’t hold up against Warlow. Within seconds, he has Andy and Violet unconscious, Jason, Andy and Adilyn locked up in Eric’s old hidey hole (sealing it up with his fairy magic) and is up those stairs and choking Sookie all over again!
  • Now somehow Adilyn manages to release them all – even though her magic is not nearly 6,000 years old
  • So Sookie is trying to get her nuclear-fairy-ball happening, but you know what happens when you’re put under pressure – she just can’t get it up!
  • Luckily Niall (Rutger Hauer) decides at that moment to reach through from the stinking otherworld and grab Warlow
  • Jason manages to stake Warlow and kill him for good this time – wonder what made his stake better than all the rest?
  • Jason and Sookie pull Niall free from the otherworld and it’s all looking good…
  • … except now that Warlow is dead, the fairy day-walking ability wears off all the vampires. Lucky for them it’s night time…
  • … except no one told Eric who is sunbathing naked in Sweden
  • So for a split second we get to see the great Viking’s junk before he bursts into flames
  • WTF?!
  • Seriously?!
  • Flames?????????????
  • Dead Viking?????????????
  • HBO are you mad????????
  • While, technically, we don’t see Northman die, it is not looking good for him unless Pam can get to him in time
  • And now it’s six months later and we still don’t know the fate of Eric Northman or Pam, but it seems Sookie and Alcide are now a couple
  • Bill is a famous vampire author and it seems the only real authority on Hep V
  • 1/8 of a vampires are estimated to be infected with Hep V. Humans are carriers but it’s not a death sentence to them. Apparently it’s an unstable virus too and the mutations are erratic
  • Sam Merlotte (Sam Trammell) is the mayor – WTF?!
  • Sam goes to church talks to the Bon Temps community and encourages them to go to Merlotte’s for a free ‘social’ – only catch is that you should try and hook up with a vampire there for your own protection. Pretty sure Sam in not getting re-elected as a result
  • Tara’s mum, Lettie Mae (Adina Porter) is mega creepy when trying to make amends with her daughter. I know she means well and all, but seriously? Creepy
  • Hot vampire James (Luke Grimes) can sing
  • Jessica tries to apologize to Andy for eating all his kids (LOL! It took her six months to do it – yeah, Andy’s that scary!) – surprise, surprise, Andy’s not impressed. In fact he pulls a gun on her and it looks like it’s all over red rover for Jessica Hamby. But, wait, nope, he shuts the door in her face. Phew!
  • Sookie and Alcide leave Merlotte’s early, only to be holed up by Bill. It seems he’s offering his protection to Sookie all over again – can anyone say ‘deja vu’? Sookie declines – but not before Alcide scents a mob of hungry, sick, moaning zombies vampires approaching the town!

  • Say hello to #WaitingSucks because it’s the credits now and a hell of a long wait until HBO’s True Blood Season 7!

So what did you think of True Blood’s finale episode, Radioactive? Are you going to tune in Season 7 to see if HBO save Eric from the true death?

Source: Rachel Tsoumbakos - IN A NUTSHELL: True Blood Season 6, Episode 9 Recap

(Photo Credits: HBO Inc.)