Last year was possibly the best night out I had had in a very long time. So would this year live up to expectations? Yes, it did!
While there was a slight hitch with Hub Productions having to cancel their annual True Blood convention (For more information on why, please go here.), there was still a huge demand for Club Fangtasia tickets. VIP tickets sold out fast, and general admission were not so far behind.
Talbot - Before and After!
Without ticket sales being done through Tru Blood 2, there was a slight decline in True Blood inspired costumes, but that did not dampen the night at all. This year I dragged out my bloody Sookie costume again (Season 1, Episodes 1 & 2), with one little alteration - Talbot. But not just any Talbot, I went for Talbot after Russell decided to keep him in a candy jar.
When you first set foot inside Club Fangtasia, it is like you are transported to Merlotte’s. There were plenty of True Blood posters on display as well as road signs and neon signs that all added to the atmosphere.
Event organiser, Garth O’Hehir gave me the chance to arrive early and watch as the pub was transformed. There was plenty of smoke machine action, special effects, as well as video clips from True Blood stars welcoming people to Club Fangtasia. Thanks a million Garth for allowing me this privileged before hand look at set up!
Decomposing Pam (author KL Joy) was sighted at Club Fangtasia
The band for the night was called ‘Orlok’ and provided an awesome blend of music for the night. If some people recognised the front man, Gaurav, it is because he also fronts another band that plays regularly at Seamus O’Toole’s.
Fang-tastic True Blood cocktails were on offer again. Plasmapolitan (a crowd pleaser from last year) was one of my faves again this year. Also on offer were: Fangbanger, Death on the Beach and The Shapeshifter. I gave each of them a sampling and found them all ‘bloody’ amazing!
Robyn (Hub Productions), Rachel (True Blood Net) and Garth (Club Fangtasia)
It was amazing to see so many familiar faces from last year’s event, which just goes to show how much fun was had by all. So if you are an Aussie, or in Australia next Halloween, make sure you check out the best True Blood themed Halloween party in the Southern Hemisphere!
For those of you privileged people who were there that night, make sure you check back to the event’s Club Fangtasia Facebook page, since photos from the night are up now. Garth apologizes for the delay, but there was an issue with the page set up not allowing albums to be added.
Let us know if you spot yourself in the crowd.
(Photo Credits: Lenore Mills/Paul Tsoumbakos)