True Blood Clip: “Lost Cause” Episode 7.05

Posted on the 19 July 2014 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

True Blood HBO released this video clip from Episode 7.05 “Lost Cause” the other day. We’ve been torn whether or not we should share it with you…because it’s VERY gag-inducing. Hell, you’ve probably already watched this yourselves…so you know what I’m talking about. ;) BUT we figured we better warn those who haven’t seen it yet.

WARNING: SPOILER ALERT! If you don’t want to know – don’t watch below!

Are you SURE you want to see this? Okay then…don’t say I didn’t warn you…but here’s your friendly ESL barf bag. You’re definitely going to need it!

I think this gif sums up this scene very accurately…

I hate how they’re constantly trying to shove Bill down our throats (and Sookie’s).

Sorry if this makes you sick too…but we felt we should warn you.

Already I can tell this episode is going to be a “Lost Cause” (just like the show)! LOL

Thoughts? Please share ‘em below.