True Blood Bytes: Quotes from True Blood Episode 7.10

Posted on the 30 August 2014 by Thevault @The_Vault

Below are the best quotes the finale episode of True Blood episode. The criteria for a quote to make our list is that the it must stand on it’s own when taken out of context.  

Our FAVORITE quote from each of the episode is below in “BOLD.” If you have a favorite that is not listed below, feel free to tell us your favorite in the comments below!

It is with great sadness that I write this last post about the best quotes from the finale episode. I already miss True Blood!

Eps, 7.10 “Thank You” – Best Quotes

Sookie to Bill: To my mind, nostalgia and suicide don’t mix.

Bill to Sookie: This disease Sookie has made me feel more human than I’ve ever felt before, even when I was human.

Sookie to Bill: If I can’t swear you off, why don’t you just swear me off?

Bill to Sookie: Because I love you too much.

Bill to Sookie:  Sookie, what you are is extraordinary, but so are humans. Show me the true death and you’ll be setting us both free.

Eric to Pam: I’ve tried trusting, I’ve tried sharing, but it’s just not f*cking working for me.

Pam to Sarah: There you are, Sarah Newlin, eatin’ garbage, who’d a thunk it?

Sarah to Pam: I have spent my entire adult life trying to be the best woman behind the man I could be and maybe the problem all along is that I was meant to be the woman behind the woman.

Pam to Sarah: I wouldn’t let you go down on me for a billion dollars. And, as for me going down on you, there’s not enough money in the world.

Gran to young Sookie: You can have any kind of life you want; you can persevere anything you want Sookie, you are entitled to it. There are no limits on you if you don’t put them on yourself.

Bill to Andy: You’re my eldest remaining heir, we’re family, remember you and I?

Andy to Bill: Copy that, Vampire Bill. Consider it done.

Jason to Hoyt: If taking a hit from a heavyweight is the price I have to take to get you back into my life, I’ll take one every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

Jason to Hoyt: It’s been a long f*ckin’ week and a weird f*cking week, but I’ve figured out something along the way; we gotta live every day like it’s our last man, and if we do that, it puts everything in prescription for us.

Jason to Hoyt: Let’s go out there and make some new memories.

Bill thinks: I love you Sookie Stackhouse, love you with everything I’m made of.

Andy: The State of Louisiana and the United States of American may not recognize this union, but for my money, there ain’t a doubt in my mind that God does. The love you two share is beautiful and love is love, plain and simple.

Jason to Sookie: Ain’t gonna be no girlfriend fucker again.

Sookie to Rev. Daniels: Do you believe that God made us all as he meant us to be or do you think that some of us are just mistakes?

Rev. Daniels to Sookie: Yes, I believe we are all as God made us, but I also believe he doesn’t have to lead our lives and he doesn’t have to walk in our shoes. God wouldn’t have given us these amazing brains we got if he didn’t expect us to make our own decisions, to exercise our free will.

Sookie to Bill: I don’t want to do this; I can’t let go.

Bill to Sookie: It’s time.

Bill to Sookie: Thank you.

Sookie to Bill: I’ll never forget you.

Sookie to Bill: This is who I am, it’s part of my truth, just like Jason’s my brother, and my parents are my parents; they’re a part of me whether I like it or not and you Bill, you’re a part of me, too and you always will be, but I can’t do this for you, I’m sorry.

Sookie to Bill: I love you Bill Compton.

Steve Newlin to Sarah: As a figment of your imagination, I am never going away. I get to haunt you for the rest of your life.