Trouble in Colorado: How to Help Flood Victims

By Travelersmind
As most of you know, my home state of Colorado was hit hard by rain the last few days, causing severe flooding and major damage, mostly in the Boulder area. Roughly 1,500 homes have been destroyed and hundreds are missing as water continues to rush through the streets. Air rescue operations are said the be the largest in the U.S. since Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005. The situation is incredibly dire, and, unfortunately, the weather is still not cooperating, hampering helicopter rescue missions.

Boulder Flooding. Credit:

The president declared the area a major disaster and freed up federal funds and resources to aid state and local governments. But more is needed, and there are plenty of groups lending a hand. If you want to learn how you can help, check out some of these organizations.
Help Colorado Now is a partnership between the Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management and the Colorado Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster. It is an initiative brings together agencies and non-profit organizations that are responding to disasters in Colorado and need assistance. It lists all the voluntary agencies helping with the flooding and all the requests those agencies are making. You can contribute money, materials or your time to any of the listed agencies.
Foothills United Way established a relief fun to help with the long-term effects of the flood, and information about how to contribute can be found at The Salvation Army and Red Cross are also both asking for donations to help victims of the flood who have lost many of their possessions. The Boulder Valley Human Society is taking animals that need shelter from evacuated areas, and is in need of heavy blankets, dog treats, bottles, rubber toys and storage bins. The organization also needs volunteers to help take care of the animals.