Triodos Bank – 2014 Annual Meeting

Posted on the 13 August 2014 by Dorsetenergized @dorsetenergized

This sounds like a great event and clearly a lot different from traditional bank AGM`s – have a read of the information below and follow the link to more about this on the Triodos website.


“Real Cost, True Value”

At the annual meeting this year the participants will be examining the real cost of food, energy, society and finance – demonstrating how the sustainable option provides true value in the long run.

There are some great speakers including, Patrick Holden, Director of The Sustainable Food Trust, Kids Company’s Camila Batmanghelidjh, Jeremy Leggett, Chairman of Solar Century and Charles Middleton, Managing Director of Triodos Bank.

This free event will also be a great opportunity for anyone who’s interested in a more progressive approach to banking to find out more about Triodos Bank.

Time and location

Saturday, 13 September 2014 – 10am to 4pm
Brunel’s Old Station, The Passenger Shed, Station Approach, Bristol, BS1 6QH


Triodos are looking to get in excess of 500 attendees on the day who will be a mixture of their partners, customers (savers, investors and businesses), and anyone else who has an interest in sustainability or is intrigued to find out more about them.

Further information

You can find out more about the events including exhibitors and our speakers’ bios at