Trinkets Jewellery Everybody in Ads

By Nikki Sumner @gamergirl0621
Last month I became aware of an online jewelry company which wanted to showcase everyday women wearing their items. I was intrigued so headed over to Trinkets Jewellery to find out more from the lady behind it the lovely Fiona.
Her idea is quite simple really, she sends you out a piece of jewelry (based on the information you give her about yourself) and in return she asks for a selfie and a photo of you in the piece to pop on the website.
A quick look on her blog and there are already a growing collection of lovely ladies modelling some beautiful pieces including two of my favorite bloggers- Leah from Just Me Leah and Sarah from Plus Size and Proud.
So here is what I got sent...

Being quite the fan of the Lagenlook this necklace really appeals to me as it stands out and makes a statement against what is quite a plain outfit.
I love the idea behind Fiona's campaign as I think it is great to see women from all walks of life modelling all sorts of different necklaces.
If you want to find out more be sure to head over to Fiona's Blog where you can find out about the Everybody in Ads Campaign.