Trigger Happy Trump’s Tapdancing Pleases The Gun Loving Crowd At NRA Convention

Posted on the 28 April 2017 by Sumithardia

President Trump Addresses The Gun Loving Masses At NRA Convention
President “This Is Harder Than Siting Around All Day Tweeting” Trump came to Atlanta to address his base and toot his own horn Friday. The NY Times reports that the President was well received at the 146th annual NRA convention, being held in Atlanta this weekend:
“Only one candidate in the general election came to speak to you, and that candidate is now the president of the United States, standing before you,” Mr. Trump said. “You came through for me, and I am going to come through for you.”

Trump has won praise from the NRA crowd (there are some five million members) for acts like installing conservative Supreme Court justice, Neil Gorsuch and signing legislation that reversed a rule that would have required the Social Security Administration to share information about mentally ill people for background checks on gun purchases.
On the flip side, gun control organizations have accused Trump of supporting what they consider to be an extremist agenda on the part of the N.R.A. Two different groups, Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action plan a rally Saturday in Atlanta to show their willingness to, “stand and fight back against the N.R.A. leadership’s dangerous ‘guns everywhere’ agenda that contributes to the more than 90 Americans shot and killed and the hundreds more injured every day.”
Trump was the keynote speaker at the convention but other special guests include Senator Ted Cruz and “Sheriff Boss Is We Sick himself” aka Sheriff David A. Clarke.

Prior to Trump’s arrival, attendees watched hours of videos mocking former President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, while laughing as clips showed footage of Trump’s opponents predicting he’d never win the election.
While in Atlanta, Trump is also expected to attend a fundraiser for Karen Handel.
Go Jon Ossoff!!!

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