Trickle-Down Has Never Worked

Posted on the 25 June 2013 by Jobsanger
Warren Buffett is right. The rich will never have enough, and they will lie to get more (or have their Republican lackeys lie for them). Trickle-down has never accomplished anything except to make the rich much richer. That's because money doesn't trickle down in a free enterprise system such as ours -- it trickles up. When ordinary Americans have money they buy things. The rich still wind up with much of the money, but only after it has passed through the hands of working and middle class Americans -- thus benefitting everyone
It's time for this country to return to a sane economic policy -- a policy that will benefit everyone. But that can't happen until we vote the corporate-owned Republicans out of power, because they refuse to change from their failed trickle-down economic policy.