Triadalean Customer Reviews 2014: Side Effects & Ingredients

By Miriam Jones @miriamsjones

Triadalean Customer Reviews 2014: Side Effects & IngredientsIntroduction

In the game of ratings by monitors of weight-loss pills, Triadalean manufactured by Covaxil Laboratories rates 3.5 in a scale of 5 putting it midway as a problematic supplement.

Another source reports that rates this supplement even much lower at 2.2 in a scale of 5.

These problems arise from the failure of the official website to connect claims of product features to a non-existent ingredients list and to give credibility to the product by mentioning scientific studies to support its marketing claims.

Of course, the fact that this supplement, one of the most expensive among weight-loss pills at $30 per bottle, helps little in boosting its popularity.

How It Works

Among TriAdaleans product feature claims as the super-powerful comeback diet pill are the following: the promotion of thermogenic fat oxidation, the burning of calories and the increase in the metabolism of the user.

This significant loss of body weight, the study showed that the weight loss came from fat mass reduced to 15.6% body fat, which was a significant improvement over baseline and over the placebo group.

TriAdalean novel, high-potency, anthocyanin- and flavanone-rich complex was tested in a 12-week, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled human clinical trial involving 20 overweight volunteers (mean BMI 28.3).

The subjects were randomly divided into two groups: an active group that received the TriAdalean weight-loss complex and a placebo group that received identical-looking capsules of maltodextrin (sugar pills).

Subjects were instructed to take on serving in the morning and one with their main meal for a total of two servings per day.

During the trial, the subjects were specifically told not to "diet" and maintained their previous eating habits (1500-2000 kcal/day) and daily physical exercise..

It might good if the manufacturer keeps in mind the four key factors that guarantee the effectiveness (and popularity) of weight loss supplements: potential to increase weight loss goals, metabolism, and appetite suppression and the documented support of scientific research to back up the quality of ingredients used.


Since the Triadalean official website site does not include the listing of ingredients, this information had to be secured from third party retailers (ie GNC, Amazon, cvs, and drugstore) who sell this dietary supplement. The ingredients found in the supplement purchased are the following:

Interestingly, four stimulants, three mood-boosters and one B vitamin were found in this list.

A serving size of 2 capsules contains Niacin (or Vitamin B3) and a 945mg proprietary blend of 7 other ingredients.

No information on the quantity used for each ingredient found in every capsule is indicated in the list.

Side Effects

Side effects are numerous in the use of Triadalean as dietary supplement found in the testimonies and feedback of consumers.

Sources record the enthusiasm, love, and continuous use of the product by some users.

Others assert its effectiveness in controlling and curbing appetite, increasing energy, enhancing mood and motivation, and weight loss.

These testimonies also document negative effects in the use of Triadalean: no weight loss and no change observed, no energy and no appetite change, resolution to stop using the supplement, mood swings, depression, tiredness, rapid heartbeat, nausea, horrible feeling, and shortness of breath.


Triadalean is sold through its website and through third-party retailers like GNC, Amazon, and other drugstores.


While Triadalean seems to have positive results for a number of consumers, skepticism for this supplement seems to prevail.

Many critics and monitoring bodies are wary about this pill and do not recommend its use.

These negative criticisms are valid and based on lack of information available from the official website, retailers and distributors who should provide information on product features based on scientific studies, a list of ingredients, warnings, etc.

The manufacturers seem insensitive to the imperative to protect the consumer and ensure the safe and effective use of the supplement.

The user feedback does not seem to support marketing claims that the product is so popular and its demand is so great that it disappears so fast from the shelves.

No wonder critics do not recommend this supplement and consider it high-risk and even dangerous.

Worst of all, these marketing claims as indicated, are supported by statements of a 30-day money-back guarantee of 100% satisfaction with little information on how this might be done in the absence of contact details.
